Undergraduate Degree Concentrations

Students majoring in Chemical Engineering may elect to follow a concentration within the field, choosing from any of the areas listed below. A selection of four to five courses in a given area is required to receive a concentration. Note that some concentrations call for 500-level courses and that an undergraduate who wishes to take any 500-level course must get permission to register from the instructor. These courses may be counted in the “Technical Electives” and “Engineering” categories of the Course Planning Guide, unless noted otherwise. Additional courses may be considered, pending approval.

Students may use up to 1 CU of independent study in CBE or an appropriate department as one of their Concentration courses, pending approval from the Undergraduate Curriculum Chair. To have an independent study considered toward the concentration, students must include a one-paragraph description of the independent study research conducted and how it relates to the concentration with their CBE Concentration Declaration Form.

To declare your concentration, complete the CBE Concentration Declaration Form after all requirements are met. Courses for which the student has registered but not yet completed are acceptable.

Concentration in Pharmaceutics and Biotechnology

Students majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering may elect to follow a concentration in Pharmaceutics and Biotechnology. The student must include at least four courses in the concentration, choosing from among any of the courses listed below. The field of study will appear on the transcript at graduation, provided that upon successful completion of four acceptable courses, the student submits the concentration declaration form.

BE 3060 Cellular Engineering
BE 5530 Tissue Engineering
BIOL 2010 Essentials of Cell Biology
BIOL 203/2801 Essentials of Biochemistry
BIOL 2210 Molecular Biology and Genetics
BIOL 4210 Molecular Genetics
BIOL 4825 Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Superlab
CBE 0099* Undergraduate Research and Independent Study
CBE 1500 Introduction to Biotechnology
CBE 4790 Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering
CBE 4800 Laboratory in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
CBE 5170 Principles of Genome Engineering
CBE 5270 Genome Editing and Engineering
CBE 5400 Biomolecular and Cellular Engineering
CBE 5540 Engineering Biotechnology
CBE 5550 Nanoscale Systems Biology
CBE 5560 The Biochemical Engineering of Wine
CBE 5570 Stem Cells, Proteomics and Drug Delivery- Soft Matter Fundamentals
CBE 5590 Multiscale Modeling of Biological Systems
CBE 5620 Drug Discovery and Development
CBE 5640 Drug Delivery
CHEM 2510 Principles of Biological Chemistry
CHEM 5510 Biological Chemistry
ENGR 4500/5500 Biotechnology, Immunology, Vaccines and COVID-19
PHYS/BCHE 2280 Physical Models of Biological Systems
CBE 4470/5470 Societally Significant Soft Matter Solutions

*Students may use up to 1 CU of independent study in CBE or an appropriate department, pending approval from the Undergraduate Curriculum Chair.

Note: To take a 5000-level or higher numbered course, an undergraduate student must obtain permission from the instructor.

Concentration in Polymers and Soft Matter Science and Engineering

Students majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering may elect to follow a concentration in Polymers and Soft Matter Science and Engineering. The student must include at least four courses in the concentration, choosing from among any of the courses listed below. The field of study will appear on the transcript at graduation, provided that upon successful completion of four acceptable courses, the student submits the concentration declaration form.

CBE 0099* Undergraduate Research and Independent Study
CBE 5110 Physical Chemistry of Polymers and Amphiphiles
CBE 5220 Polymer Rheology and Processing
CBE 5250 Molecular Modeling and Simulations
CBE 5350 Interfacial Phenomena
CBE 5700 Experimental Methods for Polymer Science and Soft Matter
MSE 3300 Soft Materials: Colloids, Polymers, Gels and Crystals
MSE 3600 Structure of Materials
MSE 3930 Materials Selection
MSE/CBE 4300 Polymers and Biomaterials
MEAM 5360 Viscous Flows: Theory & Modern Applications
CBE 4470/5470 Societally Significant Soft Matter Solutions

*Students may use up to 1 CU of independent study in CBE or an appropriate department, pending approval from the Undergraduate Curriculum Chair.

Note: To take a 5000-level or higher numbered course, an undergraduate student must obtain permission from the instructor.

Concentration in Energy and the Environment

Students majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering may elect to follow a concentration in Energy and the Environment. The student must include at least four courses in the concentration, choosing from any of the courses listed below. The field of study will appear on the student’s transcript at graduation provided that, upon successful completion of four acceptable courses, the student submits the concentration declaration form.

CBE 0099* Undergraduate Research and Independent Study
CBE 3250 Renewable Energy
CBE 3750 Engineering and the Environment
CBE 4215/5215 Energy and Sustainability
CBE 5050 Carbon Capture
CBE 5440 Computational Science of Energy and Chemical Transformations
CBE 5450 Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
CBE 5460 Industrial Catalysis
EAS 3010** Climate Policy and Technology
EAS 4010** Energy and Its Inputs
EAS 4020** Renewable Energy and Its Impacts
EAS 4030** Energy Systems and Policy
ENGR 2500 Energy Systems, Resources and Technology
ENGR 5030 Engineering in Oil, Gas & Coal
ENVS 1000 Introduction To Environmental Science
ESE 5210 The Physics of Solid State Energy Devices
ESE 5670/OIDD 2610 Risk Analysis and Environmental Management
MEAM 2250 Engineering in the Environment
MEAM 5020 Energy Engineering in Power Plants and Transportation Systems
MEAM 5030 Direct Energy Conversion: From Macro to Nano
MSE 4550/5550 Electrochemical Engineering of Materials
MSE 5450 Energy Storage and Technology
CBE 5430 Sustainable Development of Water Resources
EESC 1030 Oceanography

*Students may use up to 1 CU of independent study in CBE or an appropriate department, pending approval from the Undergraduate Curriculum Chair.

** Course can be used as a TBS (Technology, Business and Society) Elective

Note: To take a 5000-level or higher-numbered course, an undergraduate student must obtain permission from the instructor.

Concentration in Nanotechnology (Only for students who entered Fall 2019 and earlier)

Students majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering may elect to follow a concentration in Nanotechnology. The student must include at least five courses in the concentration, choosing from among any of the courses listed below. The field of study will appear on the transcript at graduation, provided that upon successful completion of five acceptable courses, the student petitions to have the concentration added to her/his transcript. Students are also encouraged to consider the Minor in Nanotechnology offered by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). A student considering this minor, should consult the MSE department before taking courses.

NOTE: Students entering in Fall 2020 or later will not have the option to declare this concentration.

BIOL 2810 Biochemistry
BIOL 4210 Molecular Genetics
CBE 0099* Undergraduate Research and Independent Study
CBE 1500 Introduction to Biotechnology
CBE 4790 Intro to Biochemical Engineering
CBE 4800 Biochemical Engineering Lab
CBE 5350 Interfacial Phenomena
CBE 5520 Cellular Engineering
CBE 5540 Engineering Biotechnology
CBE 5550 Nanoscale Systems Biology
CHEM 5510 Biological Chemistry
ESE/MSE 5250 Nanometer Scale Science and Engineering
MSE 2600 Macro and Nanoscale Materials
MSE 4650/5650 Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructured Devices

*Students may use up to 1 CU of independent study in CBE or an appropriate department, pending approval from the Undergraduate Curriculum Chair.

Note: To take a 5000-level or higher numbered course, an undergraduate student must obtain permission from the instructor.

In This Section:

Your CBE Contact:

Hannah Wright

Undergraduate Coordinator

Phone: 215-573-0290

Office: 311A Towne Building

Email: wrighth@seas.upenn.edu

Student Resources