Welcome CBE!
Welcome to our Undergraduate Announcement and Highlights Page! Your one-stop source for essential updates, events, and resources tailored to your academic journey. Stay connected, informed, and engaged as you navigate your path to success. Explore, discover, and make the most of your time as a CBE Student!
Academic Updates: Spring Course Offerings and Advanced Registration
Advanced registration will begin October 28th-November 11th. Spring courses are now published on Path so you can start to make plans for next term.
- Advising holds have been placed on each students’ Path. In order to have your hold removed, you must meet with your assigned faculty advisor. You will not be able to register if this hold remains on your Path.
- You may have other holds on your account that you must resolve before you can register. Please see more information on holds, how to find them and remove them here.
- Dr. Riggleman is currently on sabbatical and will not be advising students. If you have Dr. Riggleman as your faculty advisor, please reach out to Dr. Holleran (our interim chair) to discuss your plans and remove your hold on Path.
- The current CBE CPG (course planning guide) can be found on the CBE UG Curriculum page here. Every student should be using the “entering Fall 2020 and later” CPG, or referencing the course catalog here. There have been a few curriculum changes in the past year (that may not be visible on your Path) so please make sure you are using the correct CPG.
- Please make sure you are choosing your courses carefully, and that they have the proper attributes or are approved courses in the SEAS handbook. Otherwise, you may waste your time taking a course that won’t count in your CBE curriculum.
- A reminder of the Course Load/CU Increase Policy from handbook: “Students are not permitted to pre-register for more than 5.5 cu during advance registration. (A 6.5 cu maximum may be granted for dual degree students and seniors who need more cus to graduate on time.) Students may only register for more than 5.5 course units at the start of the new semester after grades and course load from the previous semester are available. The department can increase the maximum load from 5 to 6 cu or 5.5 to 6.5 cu (one cu increment) if the student is in good academic standing (a 3.0 gpa or better and no outstanding incompletes).”
New and exciting course offerings for Spring are below!
A few important dates
- Grade Type Change Deadline: October 25th
- Last Day to Withdraw from Courses: November 4th
CBE Events & Announcements
Halloween and November Events will be announced soon!
SEAS Events & Announcements
VIPER Program Now Accepting Transfer Applications
- Gain an interdisciplinary STEM education as they earn both a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering
- Receive guidance on how to conduct research and communicate science effectively
- Conduct fully-funded research for multiple summers
- Receive conference-travel funding and supplemental research funding, and
- Join a collaborative network of energy leaders.
Frontiers of Energy Research Poster Session
Jobs & Internships and Post Grad Opportunities
Job opportunity for CBE Seniors
The Chemical Process Development at Bristol Myers Squibb in NJ is recruiting candidates to join the Development Engineering group (Full Time). This is a great opportunity for seniors interested in process development for small molecule pharmaceuticals. The team has openings for Assistant Scientist (B.S./Masters) level candidates.
Please reach out to Rosangelica (our former CBE student!) with any questions: rosangelica.mancini-lander@
CVs/Resumes must also be emailed to Rosangelica directly as a supplement to applying at the link below:
R1585022 Assistant Scientist, Development Engineering, Chemical Process Development