Welcome New Students!
Welcome to the graduate program in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. New students can visit the program-specific links below, or explore the helpful links listed below.
Graduate Student Handbook
This handbook is for all graduate students enrolled at the School of Engineering and Applied Science (Penn Engineering). The handbook is designed to guide students through their course of study and identify the academic requirements required to graduate. Furthermore this handbook provides information with respect to rules, regulations and requirements at Penn Engineering.
Thrive at Penn (TAP)
Thrive at Penn (TAP) is an online program that assists students with their Penn experience. TAP prepares students to make healthy choices during their university experience and provides information about resources available to support student success. Topics covered include thriving at a research university; wellness and health; the risks associated with alcohol and other drugs; healthy relationships and sexual violence prevention; and resources specific to your needs during all of your years at Penn.
- Penn Graduate Students: Thrive at Penn (TAP) for incoming graduate and professional students is an online program that assists students with their Penn experience. TAP provides information about resources available to support student success. Topics covered include academic integrity; wellness and health; and healthy relationships and sexual violence prevention.
- Parents & Families: This TAP public site is available to Penn Parents and Families. It includes all of the information given in the TAP modules for current undergraduates: videos, resources, images of quizzes, links, and documents.
- Penn Community: This TAP public site is available to all members of the Penn Community. It includes all of the information given in the TAP modules for new students: videos, resources, images of quizzes, links, and documents.
Thesis and Graduation Information
Applying for Your Degree:
- Penn Engineering Graduate Procedures/Calendar
- Penn Graduation Calendar
- Application for the Doctoral Degree
Thesis and Dissertation Support:
If you need assistance or support with your thesis, you may reach out to the Grad Center at Penn which provides a number of workshops, events, and programs to help you make progress.
- More information about the Grad Center’s resources is available here
Thesis Submission:
The Office of the Provost oversees the graduation process for all Ph.D. and research master’s degrees at the University of Pennsylvania.
For more information, please visit the Office of the Provost’s webpage.
Doctoral Thesis Formatting:
- Dissertation resources, including the doctoral dissertation manual/style guide and thesis formatting templates.
- NOTE: There is an unofficial LaTex thesis format template floating around the department that probably doesn’t meet the Penn formatting requirements, so be careful.
- Click here for sample cover pages.
- Most regular office paper is now acid-free.
Master’s Thesis Formatting:
- Click here to access detailed Penn Engineering information regarding submitting and formatting the master’s thesis.
- The Penn master’s thesis guide can be accessed here.
Commencement Information:
Students who graduate in August, December and May can participate in the University and Engineering Commencement Ceremonies held once each year in May. Penn Engineering’s Office of Academic Services (OAS) contacts students regarding participating in commencement.
Additional Links:
Logistics and Computing
The PennCard is the official identification card of the University of Pennsylvania and is required for all students; your PennCard gives you access to many University facilities and services. Spouses/domestic partners and children of current students may also be able to obtain a PennCard to access many campus services.
PennKey and Password
PennKey and Password gives you access to PennNet, a Penn email account, and many other essential online services.
U@Penn gives you secure access to enrollment and financial information. Use your PennKey and password to log on for billing, financial aid, and student loan information, as well as online course registration, course schedules and academic records, updating selected address information and updating privacy settings.
Computing @ Penn Engineering
Computing and Educational Technology Services (CETS) assists SEAS students with account and email set up.
Pronouns in Penn Canvas
All users of Penn Canvas have the ability to indicate personal pronouns in their Canvas profiles. Pronouns in Canvas display in several locations such as Discussions, People, User Profiles, Inbox, Speedgrader, and more. For more information, see the link below.
Academic and Career Resources
The Weingarten Learning Resources Center
The Weingarten Center provides academic support services and programs for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students at the University of Pennsylvania through its two offices. The services and programs of both offices are free and confidential.
- The Office of Learning Resources provides professional instruction in university relevant skills such as academic reading, writing, study strategies, and time management to the Penn student community.
- Student Disabilities Services provides comprehensive, professional services and programs for students who self-identify with disabilities to ensure equal academic opportunities and participation in University-sponsored programs.
The Tutoring Center, as one of three offices within the Weingarten Learning Resources Center, offers Penn students free, accessible and convenient options to supplement their academic experience. Tutoring is available one-on-one and in groups, by appointment and walk-in.
Please note:
- If you need a tutor, you should contact them using the email addresses they provided.
- Arrangements regarding pay, meetings, etc., are made between, you, the student and tutor.
The Marks Family Writing Center
The center provides writing support to Penn students and faculty across the disciplines. In addition to providing individual writing guidance and feedback to our students, the Marks Family Writing Center also presents writing workshops across campus, consults with faculty and assists them with designing and responding to writing assignments, and engages in community outreach.
Penn Libraries/Engineering Library Resources
Penn Engineering has dedicated librarians available to assist them with any homework, research, or information needs. Their contact information is below:
- Doug McGee dmcgee@upenn.edu
- Stephen Hall smhall@upenn.edu
- General Inquiries can be made via this form: https://faq.library.upenn.edu/ask
Students and scholars can access the Engineering Library website where they can schedule consultations with the librarians, find new books, or search the catalog.
Penn Career Services was founded in 1926 and is the centralized career resource center for Penn undergraduate, graduate and professional students in Annenberg School for Communication, Arts & Sciences, Graduate School of Education, Engineering, Nursing, Perelman School of Medicine (master’s and PhD), Social Policy and Practice, Weitzman School of Design, and Wharton School doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, and alumni.
Career Services for:
Student Services and Support
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Offers confidential and free professional mental health services to undergraduate, graduate and professional students at Penn. Their goal is to assist students in their adjustment to university life and help them take full advantage of the academic and social environment at Penn. Students learn to manage personal problems, situational crises and academic stresses, as well as develop self-awareness, personal responsibility and skills for life-long learning.
Division of Public Safety (DPS)
The Division of Public Safety (DPS) comprises 180 personnel, 121 of which are sworn University of Pennsylvania Police Officers. DPS is responsible for enhancing the quality of life, safety and security of the Penn community. The Division accomplishes its mission through the delivery of comprehensive and integrated safety and security programs.
- Division of Public Safety (DPS)
- Self-Defense Courses
- Student Project Request Form
- Presentation Request Form
- Police Complaint Form
The Penn Grad Center is a space where graduate and professional students can create and participate in a graduate community at Penn. The center provides intellectual, social, and professional development programs to bring together the wide range of graduate and professional students at Penn for cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural exchanges. The center also provides a centrally located home that includes a lounge, computer lab and meeting space.
Graduate Group Review Student Feedback Form
Graduate Groups are periodically reviewed by the Graduate Council of the Faculties (GCF) in order to identify strengths and weaknesses within each program, and to recommend any changes that may help to improve the Graduate Group. This feedback form is intended to solicit general information and impressions about your graduate school experiences to share with GCF.
If your Graduate Group is not being reviewed, you are also welcome to fill out this form if you would like to provide feedback on your experiences in your Graduate Group.
You are not required to provide your name or contact information. Confidentiality will be maintained for students who do provide their name. However, the feedback you provide may become part of the Graduate Council of the Faculties review report. Your demographic information is requested but will not be included in the review report.
This feedback form is intended to solicit general information and impressions about your graduate school experiences. If you have questions about the Graduate Group review process, please contact the Office of the Provost at provost-ed@upenn.edu or 215-898-7225.
Works closely with their partner departments to support residents in their academic endeavors, their personal growth and day-to-day life on campus. More information regarding graduate housing is below.
Cora Ingrum Center for Community and Outreach
The Cora Ingrum Center for Community and Outreach leads and champions programming to support the Penn Engineering student body and positively impact the Philadelphia community. Through educational outreach and expanded opportunities for all students, the Center is the cornerstone of Penn Engineering’s activities that foster meaningful connections within the School and beyond.
The University of Pennsylvania is a community in which we learn from the research, ideas and experiences of other people on campus and around the world. We value open expression and the learning that comes from civil and rigorous debate. We also value and respect the dignity and worth of all members of our community. At times individuals or groups may believe they have experienced discrimination or bias or were negatively impacted by the actions of another member of the Penn community.
Individuals may report their concerns about having been treated in a biased or discriminatory manner by completing a Bias Incident Reporting Form.
Penn Violence Prevention (PVP)
Engages the Penn community in the prevention of sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking and sexual harassment on campus. They foster collaborative relationships across campus to ensure a survivor-centered, multifaceted approach to support services and primary prevention. Through collective community action, they are committed to ending interpersonal violence by addressing gender inequity, social injustice and oppression through outreach and education.
Is a peer help line established in 1996 to provide peer support, information and referrals to any and all students of the University of Pennsylvania. The service is open to all students who wish to share a problem, are in need of information or just want to talk to someone about anything on their mind.
Disability Services closely with students who self-identify in order to ensure equal access to all University programs, activities and services. Students will find information about the accommodations they provide as well as procedures for requesting accommodations and services.
Any student who has a disability and wishes to self-identify with the Weingarten Learning Resources Center, can complete the Self-Identification Form. Submission of this form is the first step in the Self-Identification Process. Any student who is requesting accommodations will also need to submit documentation of the disability and schedule an in-person meeting as part of the collaborative process in determining eligibility for accommodations. Students that have further questions may contact this office directly.
Provides quality health care that is accessible, affordable, culturally sensitive and student-focused. The Student Health Service supports the academic mission of the University of Pennsylvania through teaching, mentoring, research and leadership.
All full-time, dissertation and exchange students (in classes for one term or longer) are required to have comprehensive health insurance. The Penn Student Insurance Plan (PSIP) is available for students who do not have insurance, whose plans do not provide coverage in the Philadelphia area, or whose plans do not meet our criteria for alternative insurance.
Student Intervention Services (SIS)
Assists the University community in handling emergencies or critical incidents involving the welfare and safety of students.
Vice Provost for University Life (VPUL)
Penn’s Division of the Vice Provost for University Life (VPUL) is part of the Office of the Provost and includes 30 campus departments that serve students and community participants. University Life programs provide academic and career support, campus and community engagement, and much more.
The Wellness at Penn initiative provides support, resources and practical tools for wellness across the Penn community. It affirms wellness as a core priority and necessary driver of life on campus; and it offers a wide range of opportunities to reflect and engage on issues of wellness, stress, mental health, resilience, happiness, personal and academic goals, and the meaning of success.
Affinity, Cultural, Social and Student Groups
Engineering Student Clubs + Organizations
- ChEGA (Chemical Engineering Graduate Association)
- Advancing Women in Engineering
- CBE Graduate Student Research Symposium
- Engineering Dean’s Advisory Board (EDAB)
- Graduate Students Engineering Group (GSEG)
- National Society of Black Engineers – NSBE
- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (oSTEM)
- Penn Engineering Graduate Student Organizations
- Penn Engineers Without Borders
- Penn Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (PGWISE)
- Penn Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- Pennsylvania Triangle
- SEAS Wellness
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers – SHPE
- Society of Systems Engineers – SSE
- Technology Entrepreneurship Club – TEC
- Women in Computer Science – WICS
Campus-wide Student Clubs + Organizations
- Penn Student Groups
- Chinese Students Association
- Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA)
- HACE (Hispanic/Latino Alliance for Change and Equity)
- Korean Graduate Students Association
- LGBT Center
- Muslim Students’ Association of the University of Pennsylvania (Penn MSA)
- Pan-Asian American Graduate Student Association (PAAGSA)
- Penn Association for Gender Equity – PAGE
- Penn Black Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
- Penn Center for Hispanic Excellence: La Casa Latina
- Penn Hong Kong Students Association (HKSA)
- Penn Non-Cis (PNC)
- Penn Women’s Center & affiliated groups
- Queer People of Color – QPOC UPenn
- Rangoli – Indian Association at Penn
- Students Confronting Racism and White Privilege (SCRWP)
- The Black Graduate Women’s Association
- The Latin American Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (LAGAPSA)
- UPenn Student Veteran Association (UPSVA)
- UPenn Taiwanese Student Association