Ravi Radhakrishnan
Professor and Chair of Bioengineering, Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


Tel: 215-898-0487
Email: rradhak@seas.upenn.edu
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Ravi Radhakrishnan, Ph.D., holds the title of Professor of Bioengineering and Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. He is a member of the Genomics & Computational Biology and the Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics graduate groups at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a founder member and served as the former Director of the Penn Institute for Computational Sciences, an interdisciplinary institute promoting research at the interface of multiscale modeling, machine learning, and high-performance supercomputing. He is actively engaged in and funded through several National and International multidisciplinary consortia, including the European Research Council’s Computational Horizons in Cancer (CHIC), the US National Cancer Institute’s Physical Sciences in Oncology Network and Cancer Systems Biology Consortium, and US National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering’s Multiscale Modeling Consortium. Ravi Radhakrishnan serves as a project leader of the NCI-funded Penn Physical Sciences in Oncology Network. He is a Working Group Leader of the High-Performance Computing Working Group for an Inter-Governmental Consortium: Inter-Agency Modeling Group involving NIH, NSF, NASA, DOE, DOD, and DARPA.


Research Interests
Radhakrishnan directs a computational research laboratory with research interests at the interface of biophysics, biomolecular engineering, and bioengineering. The goal of his lab is to Create Digital Twin Models in Biomedical Engineering for Cancer Treatment and Next Generation Therapeutics using Nanomedicine. His lab specializes in several computational algorithms spanning the molecular and cellular scales in conjunction with the theoretical formalisms of statistical mechanics, methods of machine learning and artificial intelligence, and applications of high-performance scientific computing in parallel architectures.


Research Areas

Soft Matter and Complex Fluids; Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology; Cellular and Biomolecular Engineering; Systems Engineering; Molecular Simulation and Thermodynamics; Data Science and Engineering


Educational Background
Ph.D.: Cornell University (2001)
B.Tech.: Indian Institute of Technology (1995)


Editorial Board Member Scientific Reports
Associate Editor of Frontiers in Physiology
Hewlett Packard Investigator Award

Fellowships: American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers, Royal Society of Medicine, Biomedical Engineering Society


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